Library as Learning Resources
Library Collection
Library has a good collection of academic resources of Books, Journals ,Magazines, Newspapers and e-Resources of UGC-NLIST, Web of Science, GNC e-Library, CD’s/DVD’s and Cartographic resources.
Library Timings
During Working Days : 08:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m.
During Vacation : 10:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m.
Library Services
Reference, Lending, e-alert, Institutional Membership.
Integrated Library Management System
Central Libraries and Departmental Libraries are fully automated with the web-based Integrated Library Management Software and using Barcode Technology.
Current Awareness Services is rendered through Library e-groups (WhatsApp and Google Groups) for Faculty and Students.
Library Online Catalogue
Users can browse the availability of books details and their transaction details from the Guru Nanak College website under the Student Services Menu.
Departmental Libraries
We have a good number of books in the departments to support the faculty, research scholars and students.
Book Bank
Book banks are established with support of DPT star college scheme.
Peer Group Learning (Noolaga Nanbargal)
“Noolaga Nanbargal”, is a self-study group that came into action from the year 2015. The aspirants of UPSC, TNPSC and exams for various government services and post graduate studies are the members. The basic aim of this forum is to achieve what we aimed.
Library Alumni and its Activities
The members of Noolaga Nanbargal are considered as alumni for the Department of Library. Alumni members are volunteering to create awareness to present students about the competitive examinations, higher studies and about current job market.
Dr.S.R.Ranganathan Memorial Quiz Club
The club’s motto is to create awareness among students to develop and share their basic general knowledge in all subjects along with their core subjects.
To shape the students who have keen interest in quizzing. Inter-departmental quiz competitions are conducted every month.
Student volunteers are the major contributors by way of setting up of quiz questions, conducting the event with power point presentation and adopting OMR answer scripts.
Winners are honored with Rolling Trophies and Certificates. Volunteers are honored with key postings in college student’s council.
Guru Nanak College is a registered member of NDLI.
Entry to Services
Entry to services wing being run by the department of Library with prime motto of identifying the aspirants of various competitive examinations and facilitate them with adequate information through print and e-resources.
Awards and Prizes
Department of Library honors Best Library Users (Top 10 users) with certificate every month, based on the number of books borrowed and time spent in library.
Best outgoing Library User Award is also given to the final year students every year.